White Metal Single Ghee Lamp
Basic Tulsi Japa Beads - Large
Gopi Dress for Girls
Radha Krishna with Cow Stand
Nrsimhadeva Iron-On Patch
Banjara Bag in Rajasthani Style
Altar Decoration, Om Sign, 2.7"
Metal Elephants (Set of 2)

A seva, friendly performed by a sincere devotee

By Ilie Vorvoreanu

I will describe my experience with Krishna Store as a seva, friendly performed by a sincere devotee. ...

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Always Happy

By Sakhya Devi Dasi

The Krishna Store is the best place to find the items one needs for Krishna bhakti and personal care ...

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Superb and great products

By Rashmi Rajput

Radhey Radhey Thank you very much for sending the products. Everything reached safe & neatly pac ...

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excellent service and beautiful products

By Elliot Bennett

I purchased a beautiful Dhoti, bell and incense holder. The quality was excellent and I would recomm ...

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Thank you!

By Ravikiran

Hare Krishna! Thank you for the excellent customer service and truly divine books and DVDs.

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Met my expectations

By Santhosh Siruvole

Ordered the tulsi Malas expecting them to come in few weeks. They arrived as expected and the shipme ...

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By Neil Jensen

products always arrive packed and secure

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By Simon Day

Hassle free service, fast delivery and great product!

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By Anna Khokher

I am very pleased with the service. As ever , my order was delivered promptly and well packed. I h ...

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By Sheila Harris

I am in the middle of my Yoga Teacher Training and am really enjoying the starter kit I ordered with ...

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Thank you very very much nice everything

By Anna-Helena Iennaco

Very very nice things. Thank you. From Vrondavan!!!!

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Really impressed with the overall experiences

By Dhruv Bhardwaj

Really impressed with the overall experiences. Everything was of high quality. Really nice products, ...

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Thank you to the Krishna Store

By Vishakha Devi Dasi

I am really grateful to have a source for so many resources associated with a Krishna Conciousness p ...

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Returning customer

By Stephan Castles

This has been my 3rd purchase and as usual the items arrived very well bound with clear tape to prev ...

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By Izabela Mistrikova

My experience is good, the products are good quality and original

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