Boys Dhoti and Kurta Bagalbandi Set
Boys Dhoti and Kurta Bagalbandi SetBoys Dhoti and Kurta Bagalbandi SetBoys Dhoti and Kurta Bagalbandi SetBoys Dhoti and Kurta Bagalbandi SetBoys Dhoti and Kurta Bagalbandi SetBoys Dhoti and Kurta Bagalbandi Set

Boys Dhoti and Kurta Bagalbandi Set

 £21.21  £12.71 

About this item

Boy's Kurta and Dhoti Bagalbandi Set has matching dhoti border with the bagalbandi. This is also know as brajwasi dress. It is very comfortable while chanting your body will fell free and the cloth is very soft. Also the prints are very beautiful

#20:- 2-4 Years
#24:- 5-7 Years
#28:- 8-10 Years
#32:- 11-14 Years

Product Weight: 0.770 lbs
  • Buy now : £12.71 

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  • Ship from : Krishna store