Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Shreekesh Madri of India

Date added: 03/17/2020

Title: In Search of Original Prabhupada’s books

I read on the Internet that Sri Prabhupada’s books were being slowly given unauthorised changes. So I was in search of the original books. I had seen one or two websites claiming to be publishing the original books. But how will I know, which is the original and what are the changes made, and so I did not take any action presuming that all these are just marketing gimmicks. I then saw the book changes website showing exactly where the changes are made. I checked them with my existing books and sadly discovered that all the books I had were the changed books. Again and again I would type Sri Prabhupada’s book changes to see what are the websites that would come up in google. Then I typed Original Prabhupada books. I went into Prabhupada’s and reached your website. This time I decided to buy few books first and you got my first order. I found the Teachings of Lord Chaitanya and Bhagavadgita Gita to be Originals. Then I confidently gave you my second order and the third order ( yet to come). So, all I can say is that you are doing a great Service to Krishna and Sri Prabhupada by printing these original books. Please continue to do so. Hare Krishna

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In Search of Original Prabhupada’s books